
# Outgoing Connections

* HTTP Data
o Method: GET
o Url:
o HTTP Version: HTTP/1.1
+ Header Data
# Host: www.topwebhosts.org
# Connection: keep-alive
o Method: GET
o Url:
o HTTP Version: HTTP/1.1
+ Header Data
# Host: www.topwebhosts.org
# Connection: keep-alive
o IRC Data
+ User Name: Fack
+ Host Name: “gmail.com”
+ Server Name:
+ Real Name: Fack Fack
+ Nick Name: :[RHEA]US-Doreen
+ Non RFC Conform: 1
# Channel
* Name: #Phlegethon
* Topic Deleted: :stay out.
* Name: #Cronus
* Topic Deleted: :[#Cronus] – #Hades Father, [RHEA]’s Husband. Respect The Conglomorate. Feel Like Shooting the Shyt Join us on Ventrilo Ventril-O.mooo.com , live Dj”s http://Cronus.chickenkiller.com:8000/listen.pls (Trivia: #Aphrodite)
* Name: #Hades
# Private Message Deleted
* Value: :IRC!IRC@RehYp3d.uGIRC.NeT PRIVMSG [RHEA]-NEW|7893 :_CHAR(0x01)_VERSION_CHAR(0x01)_
* Value: :SecureServ!TS@Network.Stats.Net PRIVMSG [RHEA]-NEW|7893 :_CHAR(0x01)_VERSION_CHAR(0x01)_
* Value: :[RHEA]IN-Derek!Fack@BB08C4A4.8D840281.33F51CB1.IP PRIVMSG #hades :** 10 of 10 slots free, 5 of 5 queues free, displaying 0 files **
* Value: :[RHEA]IN-Derek!Fack@BB08C4A4.8D840281.33F51CB1.IP PRIVMSG #hades :** Record Send: 0B Record Get: 27.96KB Current BW: 0B **
* Value: :[RHEA]IN-Derek!Fack@BB08C4A4.8D840281.33F51CB1.IP PRIVMSG #hades :** Offered: 0B Transferred: 0B **
* Value: :[RHEA]US-Terri!Fack@uGIRC-28C3BC9E.radsci.uci.edu PRIVMSG #hades :** 10 of 10 slots free, 5 of 5 queues free, displaying 1 files **
* Value: :[RHEA]JP-FUKMENOSE!hades@uGIRC-4F166D67.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp PRIVMSG #hades :_CHAR(0x02)_**_CHAR(0x02)_ Gods of the underworld _CHAR(0x0F)__CHAR(0x02)_**_CHAR(0x02)_
* Value: :[RHEA]JP-FUKMENOSE!hades@uGIRC-4F166D67.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp PRIVMSG #hades :_CHAR(0x02)_**_CHAR(0x02)_ 3 Packs _CHAR(0x02)_**_CHAR(0x02)_ 10 of 10 slots open, Queue: 0/20, Record: 54.01KB/s
* Value: :[RHEA]JP-FUKMENOSE!hades@uGIRC-4F166D67.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp PRIVMSG #hades :_CHAR(0x02)_**_CHAR(0x02)_ Bandwidth Usage _CHAR(0x02)_**_CHAR(0x02)_ Current: 0B/s, Record: 54KB/s
* Value: :[RHEA]JP-FUKMENOSE!hades@uGIRC-4F166D67.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp PRIVMSG #hades :_CHAR(0x02)_**_CHAR(0x02)_ To Request A File Type: “/msg [RHEA]JP-FUKMENOSE xdcc send #x” _CHAR(0x02)_**_CHAR(0x02)_
* Value: :[RHEA]JP-FUKMENOSE!hades@uGIRC-4F166D67.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp PRIVMSG #hades :_CHAR(0x02)_#1 _CHAR(0x02)_ 0x [351M] _CHAR(0x03)_7_CHAR(0x02)_Desperate.Housewives.S05E18.HDTV.XViD-DOT.avi
* Value: :[RHEA]JP-FUKMENOSE!hades@uGIRC-4F166D67.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp PRIVMSG #hades :_CHAR(0x02)_#2 _CHAR(0x02)_ 1x [704M] _CHAR(0x02)__CHAR(0x03)_7Battlestar.Galactica.S04E20.HDTV.XviD-0TV.[VTV].avi
* Value: :[RHEA]JP-FUKMENOSE!hades@uGIRC-4F166D67.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp PRIVMSG #hades :_CHAR(0x02)_#3 _CHAR(0x02)_ 0x [343M] _CHAR(0x02)__CHAR(0x03)_7Bones.S04E17.HDTV.XviD-LOL.avi
* Value: :[RHEA]TW-Tyron!Fack@uGIRC-9A9556A9.hinet-ip.hinet.net PRIVMSG #hades :** 10 of 10 slots free, 5 of 5 queues free, displaying 0 files **
* Value: :[RHEA]US-Terri!Fack@uGIRC-28C3BC9E.radsci.uci.edu PRIVMSG #hades :** Record Send: 0B Record Get: 340.36KB Current BW: 0B **
* Value: :[RHEA]US-Terri!Fack@uGIRC-28C3BC9E.radsci.uci.edu PRIVMSG #hades :#1 0x 175.15MB [_CHAR(0x02)__CHAR(0x03)_07Episode_CHAR(0x0F)_] Family.Guy.S07E13.PDTV.XviD-LOL.[VTV].avi
* Value: :[RHEA]US-Terri!Fack@uGIRC-28C3BC9E.radsci.uci.edu PRIVMSG #hades :** Offered: 175.15MB Transferred: 0B **
* Value: :[RHEA]US-Terri!Fack@uGIRC-28C3BC9E.radsci.uci.edu PRIVMSG #hades :_CHAR(0x03)_10This Bot is Using DCC PASSIVE MODE! Join #Cronus For Help.
* Value: :[RHEA]TW-Tyron!Fack@uGIRC-9A9556A9.hinet-ip.hinet.net PRIVMSG #hades :** Record Send: 0B Record Get: 196.31KB Current BW: 0B **
* Value: :[RHEA]TW-Tyron!Fack@uGIRC-9A9556A9.hinet-ip.hinet.net PRIVMSG #hades :** Offered: 0B Transferred: 0B **
# Notice Message Deleted
* Value: :RehYp3d.uGIRC.NeT NOTICE AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname…
* Value: :RehYp3d.uGIRC.NeT NOTICE AUTH :*** Couldn’t resolve your hostname; using your IP address instead
* Value: :Global!services@Irc.Services NOTICE [RHEA]-NEW|7893 :[_CHAR(0x02)_Logon News_CHAR(0x02)_ – Jun 07 2007] To Report Any Kind of Abuse/Spam/Virus’s Type /msg ReportServ / The Report Will be Sent to #Antispam For Review. PLease Join #Antispam with any questions. -Hooked / Broken Staff
* Value: :Global!services@Irc.Services NOTICE [RHEA]-NEW|7893 :[_CHAR(0x02)_Logon News_CHAR(0x02)_ – Sep 15 2008] _CHAR(0x03)_7 _CHAR(0x02)_If you want to begin your own channel its simple. Also if you are looking for a java client or web based client for your webpage please /join #help for more information.
* Value: :Global!services@Irc.Services NOTICE [RHEA]-NEW|7893 :[_CHAR(0x02)_Logon News_CHAR(0x02)_ – Dec 30 2008] This is a public network and the staff or owners of this network are not responsible for any channels content.
* Value: :opsb!opsb@Network.Stats.Net NOTICE [RHEA]-NEW|7893 :Your Host is being Scanned for Open Proxies

# Transport Protocol: TCP
# Remote Address:
# Remote Port: 6667
# Protocol: IRC
# Connection Established: 1
# Socket: 364

* The following Host Names were requested from a host database:
o facker.gotdns.org
o www.topwebhosts.org

Categories: Uncategorized