
allah ekbar ferid fucking arab lamer allah is anti botnets u moron

* IRC Data
o User Name: iqev
o Host Name: 0
o Server Name:
o Real Name: FERID-6566
o Nick Name: FERID-6566
o Non RFC Conform: 1
+ Channel
# Name: #usb
# Topic Deleted: :.scan 90 1 x.x.x.x 3 1 x.x.x.x 3 1
+ Private Message Deleted
# Value: :FERID-9106!mtmu@ PRIVMSG #usb :[SCAN]: Sequential Port Scan started on 1:90 with a delay of 3 seconds for 3 minutes using 1 threads.
+ Notice Message Deleted
# Value: :irc.chat.mini.az NOTICE AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname…
# Value: :irc.chat.mini.az NOTICE AUTH :*** Ip unvaniniz nezaretden kechirilir…
# Value: :Notice!service@gala.az NOTICE FERID-6566 :_CHAR(0x03)_4online radio- _CHAR(0x03)_12http://gala.az:8000/listen.pls

# Remote Address:
# Remote Port: 6667
# Protocol: IRC
Nick: [AUT|00|P|28515]
Username: XP-7682
Joined Channel: #kerimov
Channel Topic for Channel #kerimov: “.triton.msg Hi friend, haw are you? http://gala.az/foto.php |.aim.msg Hi friend, haw are you? http://gala.az/foto.php |.rarinject |.p2p |.seed.utorrent |.msn.msgemail |.msn.sendzip”
Private Message to Channel #kerimov: “[Triton]: Thread Activated: Sending Message.”
Private Message to Channel #kerimov: “WinRAR Injection Activated”
Private Message to Channel #kerimov: “[Aim]: Thread Activated: Sending Message.”

Categories: Uncategorized