Tag: microworm

mirror.serverhalflife.com (Pandora http bot hosted by Netherlands Haarlem Leaseweb B.v.)


Resolved  mirror.serverhalflife.com to Pandora ddos bot Server: mirror.serverhalflife.com Gate file:  /pando/?u=17b6n82405v5ycal3ks4bb7i655e088m Other crap on the server Microworm panel: mirror.serverhalflife.com/micro/ The password is “root” Files are located at hxxp://mirror.serverhalflife.com/files/ blackdra.exe is blackshades Connects to own3d-private.no-ip.org:4010 Blackshades downloads more of the files x0x0. Windows XP .522. 4, 2012.Hide My Ass Vpn FBI access panel (Welcome AgentRead more...