xjnhtraj.com (Athena irc botnet hosted by tatacommunications.com)

Server:  xjnhtraj.com
Port:  6667
Channel:  #xjnhtraj
Channel password:  xjnhtraj

[dwa] (dada@chidaica123): đuawa
[dwa] #xjnhtraj
[dwa] irc.server.net :IRC server
[dwa] is a Bot on IRC server
[dwa] idle 00:01:17, signon: Mon Mar 11 15:15:07
[dwa] End of WHOIS list.
[Troc] (trocdsds@chidaica123): Troc
[Troc] #xjnhtraj
[Troc] irc.server.net :IRC server
[Troc] is a Bot on IRC server
[Troc] idle 00:02:11, signon: Mon Mar 11 14:48:46
[Troc] End of WHOIS list.
[chidaica] (awdaw@chidaica123): daw
[chidaica] #xjnhtraj
[chidaica] irc.server.net :IRC server
[chidaica] is a Bot on IRC server
[chidaica] idle 01:03:55, signon: Mon Mar 11 13:29:23
[chidaica] End of WHOIS list.

Lots of ddos going on.
!ddos.layer4.udp http://102chat.com 80 300
!ddos.layer4.udp 80 300
!ddos.http.rapidget http://102chat.com 80 300
!ddos.http.rapidpost http://102chat.com/ 80 300
!ddos.http.slowloris http://102chat.com 80 300
!ddos.layer4.udp 80 300
!ddos.http.rudy http://phalechat.com/ 80 300
!ddos.http.arme http://phalechat.com/ 80 300
!ddos.layer4.udp 80 300

I’m not sure what language this is but I think it might be Vietnamese
Troc: ma con 123 bot ko bit sao lat an noi voi ong anh @@

dwa: ko nge gi nua roi
dwa: bi van rbaa yr orio
dwa: roi

Hosting infos: http://whois.domaintools.com/

Categories: Uncategorized

1 Comment

Anonymous - March 20, 2013 at 10:20 am

Can share the sample? I would like analyze.


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