Tag: barracuda irc (Barracuda irc botnet hosted by France Paris Dnsslave.com)


Server: Port:  6667 Channel:  #Aryan Oper: [Paradoxun] (Paradoxun@rofl12345): … [Paradoxun] ~#Aryan [Paradoxun] :Lee’s [Paradoxun] idle 00:03:03, signon: Sat Nov 24 13:31:20 [Paradoxun] End of WHOIS list. You may remember Paradoxun from here or here It looks like he may have some aryan bots in the channel as well. Paradoxun .botkill -s ParadoxunRead more...

mostvideo2012.no-ip.info (AryaN and Barracuda irc botnets hosted by Russian Federation Beringovskiy Mediaserviceplus Ltd.)


Resolved mostvideo2012.no-ip.info to Server:  mostvideo2012.no-ip.info Port:  4562 Server password:  leroumain49  Channel          Users   Topic  #plouque         41      [+nt]  #mafia           2       [+nt]  #arisauve        66      [+nt]  #bio             3       [+nt]  AryaN bots Channel:  #arisauve Channel password:  leroumain49 Channel: #bio Barracuda bots Channel:  #plouque Channel: #mafia Command nick is RutE94 RutE94 (~RutE94@User-CD7BBD3D.rev.numericable.fr) has joined #plouque RutE94 !botkill [CATALIN-PC]58632  Startup Cleaned,Read more...

paradoxunirc.no-ip.biz (Barracuda irc bot hosted by Turkey Istanbul Radore Hosting Telekomunikasyon Hizmetleri San. Ve Tic. Ltd. Sti.)


Resolved paradoxunirc.no-ip.biz to Server: paradoxunirc.no-ip.biz Port:  4667 Channel: #yoloswag Owner: Paradoxun This is the latest irc of the barracuda .net irc bot. After trolling around for a bit, it’s time for this one to be posted. The Authost on the bot only checks for the nick, so just wait for Paradoxun to leave, /nickRead more...

chat.barracudasec.com (Barracuda ircbotnet hosted by Luxembourg Luxembourg Root Sa)


Resolved chat.barracudasec.com to Server: chat.barracudasec.com Ports: 1337,4667 (bots connect on 4667) Channel: #xxploasion Channel passoword: Rebels2012 Channel: #hflove Channel passoword: inspiron Connects using the no-ip hflove.no-ip.org Channel: #gavin0hanson Channel password: hanson911  Channel          Users   Topic  #xxploasion      4       [+sntu]  #hflove          45      [+s]  #gavin0hanson    53      [+sntu]  This irc server is similar to cmjc.whhcd.info in that is itRead more...