Tag: pandora

mirror.serverhalflife.com (Pandora http bot hosted by Netherlands Haarlem Leaseweb B.v.)


Resolved  mirror.serverhalflife.com to Pandora ddos bot Server: mirror.serverhalflife.com Gate file:  /pando/?u=17b6n82405v5ycal3ks4bb7i655e088m Other crap on the server Microworm panel: mirror.serverhalflife.com/micro/ The password is “root” Files are located at hxxp://mirror.serverhalflife.com/files/ blackdra.exe is blackshades Connects to own3d-private.no-ip.org:4010 Blackshades downloads more of the files x0x0. Windows XP .522. 4, 2012.Hide My Ass Vpn FBI access panel (Welcome AgentRead more...

Mystical Megapost (Botnets of all types) (Hosted by Ukraine Ukrainian Internet Names Center Ltd and Netherlands Maasdijk Worldstream)


As Mystical has now recently been banned from hackforums, I thought I would make an informative megapost of botnets he has or is currently using. Domains Bighecker.co 1212Mystic0801.info Sonic4us.com Sonic4me.com img196-imageshack.us rs-booter.com modtech360.info 307dice.com powerbot24.com img90-imageshack.com imageshells.com bighecks.net emails used for registration hlolgame@aim.com mikeydoc@hotmail.com #plug this into facebook to see his profile highroller098765@hotmail.com mikeshosting@yahoo.com bram.fadzulani@mail.comRead more...