Tag: Paradoxun (Barracuda irc botnet hosted by France Paris Dnsslave.com)


Server: Port:  6667 Channel:  #Aryan Oper: [Paradoxun] (Paradoxun@rofl12345): … [Paradoxun] ~#Aryan [Paradoxun] :Lee’s [Paradoxun] idle 00:03:03, signon: Sat Nov 24 13:31:20 [Paradoxun] End of WHOIS list. You may remember Paradoxun from here or here It looks like he may have some aryan bots in the channel as well. Paradoxun .botkill -s ParadoxunRead more...

paradoxunirc.no-ip.biz (Barracuda irc bot hosted by Turkey Istanbul Radore Hosting Telekomunikasyon Hizmetleri San. Ve Tic. Ltd. Sti.)


Resolved paradoxunirc.no-ip.biz to Server: paradoxunirc.no-ip.biz Port:  4667 Channel: #yoloswag Owner: Paradoxun This is the latest irc of the barracuda .net irc bot. After trolling around for a bit, it’s time for this one to be posted. The Authost on the bot only checks for the nick, so just wait for Paradoxun to leave, /nickRead more...