Tag: Zeus

indianmoneybag.in(HTTP Password Stealer Hosted In United States Provo Unified Layer)


Mybe Zeus variant. Domains : repository.certum.pl www.download.windowsupdate.com crl.certum.pl myworkmustpayme.xyz www.indianmoneybag.in joemb009i.xyz cryfreeman042.ddns.net HTTP Requests : http://www.indianmoneybag.in/wp-content/themes/twentyfourteen/css/php/gate.php POST /wp-content/themes/twentyfourteen/css/php/gate.php HTTP/1.0 Host: www.indianmoneybag.in Accept: */* Accept-Encoding: identity, *;q=0 Content-Length: 506 Connection: close Content-Type: application/octet-stream Content-Encoding: binary User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98) http://myworkmustpayme.xyz/wp-admin/css/panel/config.jpg GET /wp-admin/css/panel/config.jpg HTTP/1.1 Accept: */* Connection:Read more...

616design.info (Pony loader and Zeus banking malware hosted by fastit.net)


Resolved 616design.info to Pony Server:  616design.info Gate file:  /forum/pony/gate.php This is by the same guy as this winlocker and andromeda bot. The server seems to be down at the moment, most likely due to zeus tracker posting the zeus bot I located on the same ip. Zeus Server:  oppspeedy.co.ua Gate file:  /forum/33/gate.php Config file: Read more...

rat-forums.net (Ice 9 banking malware proxied by cloudflare)


Resolved rat-forums.net to, Server:  rat-forums.net Gate file:   /web/adm/gate.php Config file:  /web/config/index.php This is the first time I’ve seen the ice 9 zeus mod in the wild. I guess all the skiddies are trying it out now that it’s cracked. Hopefully cloudflare will put a stop to their experimenting.

genhagroup.com (Zeus banking malware hosted by United States Provo Unified Layer)


Resolved genhagroup.com to When this site first got posted I though it was hacked, but now that I’ve taken a closer look it’s actually a lame spreading attempt. Zeus Server: genhagroup.com Gate file:  /data/gate.php Config file:  /data/cf.bin The zeus binary was hosted at utmeg.com, as a “resume creator” The download page warns that itRead more...

smartnet.taess.net (Zeus banking malware and other crap hosted by Germany Frankfurt Am Main Ovh Gmbh)


Resolved smartnet.taess.net to Zeus Server:  smartnet.taess.net Gate file:  smartnet.taess.net/directory/gate.php Config file:  smartnet.taess.net/directory/config.bin Hosting zeus on a free host seems like a great idea. Bonus “secure soft” bot from the same guy Server:  lagner.taess.net Gate file:  /Vote%20Gateway%20%20%20blabla%20%20%20Metin2%20P-Server%20Liste_files/Admin/acces/update/connect.php He was using this to ddos israeli sites during the gaza bombardment. Germany strikes again. Stats panel LoadingRead more...

Mystical Megapost (Botnets of all types) (Hosted by Ukraine Ukrainian Internet Names Center Ltd and Netherlands Maasdijk Worldstream)


As Mystical has now recently been banned from hackforums, I thought I would make an informative megapost of botnets he has or is currently using. Domains Bighecker.co 1212Mystic0801.info Sonic4us.com Sonic4me.com img196-imageshack.us rs-booter.com modtech360.info 307dice.com powerbot24.com img90-imageshack.com imageshells.com bighecks.net emails used for registration hlolgame@aim.com mikeydoc@hotmail.com #plug this into facebook to see his profile highroller098765@hotmail.com mikeshosting@yahoo.com bram.fadzulani@mail.comRead more...