m74.zapto.org (Irc botnets hosted by United Kingdom Santrex Internet Services)

This has so few bots I normally wouldn’t bother posting it, but I just think it’s funny that after being posted once, they haven’t even added a password.

Resolved m74.zapto.org to

Server:  m74.zapto.org
Port: 6667

Current Global Users: 237  Max: 246

Channel: ##A## 
Bot: Athena

Channel: ##I##
Bot: Insomnia

Channel: #j0r
Bot: ngrBot

Channel: ##3##
Bot: 3vbot

Channel: #guerra
Bot: ragebot

Channel: ##S##
Bot: AryaN

Some other channels that have under 10 bots can be seen if you /list.

Jorgee is still the oper

Hosting infos: http://whois.domaintools.com/

Categories: Uncategorized